• ACTIVE — The normal state for a domain name. Active domain names can be used for websites, email, or to register nameservers.
  • REGISTRAR-HOLD — The domain name was placed on hold by the registrar and cannot be used or renewed.
  • REGISTRY-HOLD — The domain name was placed on hold by the registry and cannot be used.
  • REGISTRAR-LOCK — The registrar, often at the request of the domain name registrant, locked the domain name so that its settings cannot be modified.
  • REGISTRY-LOCK — The registry locked the domain name so that its settings cannot be modified.
  • REDEMPTIONPERIOD — The domain name expired, and the registry is waiting for 30 days as a precautionary measure before releasing it.
  • PENDINGRESTORE — A domain name that had expired is being restored to ACTIVE status.
  • PENDINGDELETE — The domain expired and is no longer available for redemption. The registry is about to erase it. A domain name remains in this status for five days before it is deleted.
  • CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED — The registrar locked the domain name so that it cannot be deleted.
  • SERVER_DELETE_PROHIBITED — The registry locked the domain name so that it cannot be deleted.
  • CLIENT_HOLD — The registrar placed the domain name on hold, and it cannot be used.
  • SERVER_HOLD — The registry placed the domain name on hold, and it cannot be used.
  • CLIENT_RENEW_PROHIBITED — The registrar locked the domain name so that it cannot be renewed.
  • SERVER_RENEW_PROHIBITED — The registry has locked the domain name so that it cannot be renewed.
  • CLIENT_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED — The registrar locked the domain name so that it cannot be transferred to another registrar.
  • SERVER_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED — The registry locked the domain name so that it cannot be transferred to another registrar.
  • CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED — The registrar locked the domain name to prevent its settings from being changed.
  • SERVER_UPDATE_PROHIBITED — The registry locked the domain name to prevent its settings from being changed.
  • INACTIVE — The domain name cannot be used because the nameservers haven't been entered or there is a problem with the nameservers.
  • OK — The domain name is active and can be used for websites, email, or to register nameservers.
  • PENDING_DELETE — The registration for the domain name is about to be deleted by the registry, as when the domain name expires.
  • PENDING_TRANSFER — The domain name is in the process of being transferred from one registrar to another. It may not be modified during this period.
  • PENDING_VERIFICATION — The registry is creating the domain name record.
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